Wednesday 26 September 2012

prototyping introduction

We got a brief to create a develop a idea that involved the subject of orange and on a fixed surfaced. This was challenge to come up with an idea that revolved around the subject of orange. we came up with a few idea's some that worked and some that were too tricky to develop, we decided to use an orange that had been cut in half to show segments as our game surface and built a small puzzle game that worked like a maze. The game worked as each player took a turn to roll a dice and instead of moving around the board the player moved the actual ring of the board around. The aim was to get to the centre of the board through the doors that are on each ring while trying to stop your opponents, if you rolled a 6 you picked a good card that could help you reach the centre a lot quicker but if u rolled a 1 you received a bad card that could push you further away. The game lasted for about 15 mins, was fun and ended up playing like a maze with shifting walls.

developed paper prototype game board

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